Friday, February 12, 2010

A Candy Bar

Friday, February 02, 2007

Current mood: irritated
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

I walked into my boss's office to hand him his mail…which is ridiculous in itself. I mean – the guy walks by the mail area at least 5 times a day...

"Shut the door and sit down," he said, waving me in with one hand and moving piles around with the other.

I knew what was coming. White Sheets. Every year in the first week of February every employee of TI is given their annual raise. This happens right at the same time we receive our profit sharing…I'm convinced to soften the blow. I was a little impatient and wary. I knew for a fact that he'd had my information for at least a week…and I knew that he knew that I knew. My two previous raises had been more than I'd expected and he couldn't wait to let me know as soon as he had the sheet in his hand. I pulled out the chair and sat down.

He made a big show of pulling the piece of paper from his all important folder of top secret stuff. He held it in front of his face - letting my anticipation build. I wasn't hating him this week…which was pretty unusual. I don't know if it was the realization that I'm going to be leaving one way or another in the next 6 months or so...or if I just didn't care that much anymore...but I was kind of amused that he thought he had me on the edge of my seat. I stifled a yawn. He slid the paper in front of me…but upside down.

"So last year you made 'this much'", he pointed to the figure that I clearly couldn't read...

"Yes," I agreed, nodding.

"Congratulations (I'm not kidding…he really said 'Congratulations') you've been given a raise of 3.4% which amounts to 80 cents per hour. (Those of you who are dying to know my salary – do the math…I'm not trying to keep any secrets!) "So if you multiply 80 cents by 40 hours…" (Does he seriously think I need him to explain this to me?)

Yes…I'm now making 32.00 more per week. But wait – when you take out taxes it's actually closer to 21.00 per week… And when you take into account that I promised my daycare provider that I'd pay her actual set amount (of which I talked her down 25.00 initially) when I got my raise – I'm actually losing 4.00 per week.

I can speculate that this decision was made last year when I was close to 9 months pregnant and probably not the most competent (though definitely more so that most of the other admins!) of employees… I was uncomfortable…forgetful…and I did snap at him the third time he so considerately imitated my 'waddle-walk' for the other managers.

But 80 friggin cents??

Congratulations indeed.

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