Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Couple More Bad Boyfriends...And Scott

I went through a couple more crappy boyfriends...though none quite compared to the gem that was Tim. Jeremy cheated on me the entire time we were together...with a girl named Heidi - pure laziness, I think. Frankie was great, except that he'd break up with me every couple of months (in a ridiculously dramatic fashion) and then came crawling back a few days after I was done eating mountains of chocolate, filling army-issued notepads with sad love poems...oh - and torturing my poor roommate with country music and Celine Dion. And I was self-destructive enough to keep taking him back until he finally left the island.

Then I met Scott. I was at a bar in Waikiki with my girlfriend Karman (who slept with Tim while I was dating him. I forgave her because A: he was married and I was already the proud owner of a first-class ticket to hell, so who was I to judge? and B: She was literally my only female friend on the island of Oahu - so I had to exercise a certain amount of tolerance). Anyway - we were at this bar where Scott and his buddies were hanging out. Scott was sitting at the bar and his friends were playing darts. He was so handsome. The moment I laid eyes on him (cliche', cliche', cliche'...I know...) I knew I was going to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him.

The only problem? He was an officer; I was enlisted, and there was a new law making such relationships illegal. So our dating could get us both could have my relationship with jerk-face Tim. What can I say. I laugh in the face of danger. Not really. We had a couple of close calls when he was dropping me off at my barracks in the morning and we got pulled over by the MPs - or had to go through a guard shack. But luckily neither of us got thrown in jail.

As I predicted, we fell madly in love and had the most amazing few months before I left Hawaii. (By now I'd been there for two and a half years. Jeesh - did you think I had four boyfriends in six months?!) Leaving was tough. Scott had 18 more months in Hawaii and I was medically discharged and on my way back to Boston. We were going to have to do the dreaded long-distance thing. And that wasn't all. I was going to have to get a job and find a place to live!
As an Aside...
I know I'm jumping ahead - but just in case any of you are trying to figure out where to get married on a relatively low budget... Check out Captain Howie does a great job - and the pictures are be revealed in a later blog.


Anonymous said...

Is anyone else around here dying for the next installment?? Helloooo, some of us would like to see your wedding photos again!! And get more hot updates into the life and times of Heidi, in case there are any bits that have not already been disclosed to me over a few glasses of white zin...

Anonymous said...

OK, seriously, what, is this no longer being graded?? What do we have to do to spark some inspiration around here??? ;)